Sunday, April 7, 2013

My book will be released on Dec. 16, 2013.

I have a book coming out on December 16, 2013. It's called THE ODD FELLOWS. Here is a copy of the cover direct from the publisher.

It's scary but funny too.

This is the All Seeing Eye. It's God's Eye. When I submitted my book to my publisher I used this image with Chapter 1: The Dead Body.

This is the hand with heart. The basic idea behind the hand with heart is that whenever an Odd Fellow extends his hand -- the greeting comes from his heart; an Odd Fellow doesn't shake your hand while thinking about how he'll stab you in the back. 
I used this image with Chapter 2: Mexico.

This symbol is the Bundle of Rods. It symbolizes that a group bound together is stronger than one individual alone. A modern version of this concept is "there's strength in numbers."
I used this image for Chapter 3: The Road to San Felipe.

 These are the three links. The three links symbolize Friendship, Love and Truth.
Chapter 4 is entitled The Three Links.

The Moon and the Seven Stars. The seven stars remind us of the seven pillars in the house of wisdom and warn us not to wander starless in the night of destitution. 
I used this image for Chapter 6: The Disappearance.

Chapter 7: The Crucifixion
I used the Skull and Crossed Bones because they remind individuals that we are mere mortals on this earth.

Chapter 8: Bury the Dead.
I used the casket because it represents the last great event in our life. We all have a date with death; we just don't know when.

Chapter 9: Man's Best Friend.
 The scythe reminds us that all living things must fall before the hands of time while the hourglass reminds us that...

...time flies. 

Chapter 11: Three Days Later.
I used the shaking hands of friendship for this chapter. I used a 19th century image when I submitted my manuscript to my publisher but this image is from a banner I recently bought. The entire banner is below.

Ephemera I bought off E-Bay (below). 
It combines the Odd Fellows and The Crystal Palace 
which is way too much excitement for my head to handle at one time.
It's the coolest ticket ever.

Finally, all the symbols are below.

I have a book coming out December 16, 2013 called The Odd Fellows.

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